Showing posts with label SEO Techniques. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SEO Techniques. Show all posts

TOP 10 Advanced SEO Techniques to Improve Your Search Rankings in 2019

First of all, the search engine isn’t going to rank your site overnight; it’s takes hard work and time. But the question is, Where do you focus all your energy when you’re trying to improve the SEO ranking of your website?

Advanced SEO Techniques

There are certain areas you can work to increase your chances of getting ranked fast. Let’s take a look at some of the best SEO techniques that can help you improve your search rankings in 2019.

10 SEO Techniques to Improve Your Site Rankings Fast.

1. Improve your page loading speed: Your page loading time is important for a few reasons. First of all, if your load speed is too slow, Google will recognize this, and it will harm your ranking. But a slow website will also impact the way your website visitors engage with your pages.
Increase PageSpeed

As a result, those negative interactions will hurt your ranking too. So, make your site fast.

2. Useful, high quality, relevant content: When you provide useful content, visitors tend to stay longer on your website to consume the information and therefore increase the dwell time. “Dwell time” is the amount of time visitors spend on your website and it can affect SEO ranking.

3. Optimize site images: Besides image file format and sizing, there are other ways to make sure your images are working hard for you on the SEO front. You can signal relevancy of your content to search engines by using keywords for your image file name, alt tag, title, description, and caption.

4. Break up your content with header tags: Headings are another way to help improve the user experience on your website. They break up the content and make it easier to read or skim. Plus, headers make everything look more appealing, which is always beneficial.
use header tag

If your website is just a wall of text, it’s going to discourage people from spending a long time on it. Proper use of header tags can help break up your content into sections that are easier to read and utilize.

5. Keep Updating Old Content: To make the most out of your content, go through your older blog posts. Are any of the topics that you have written about still relevant? For example, perhaps you wrote about the best SEO techniques two years ago. But since then, Google announced major changes to its algorithm. Then you need to update your article.

5. Outbound links: To make your content more useful and relevant, you can link out to authority sites for more in-depth information your readers can use. Linking out to well-respected authority sites will not only increase the relevancy of your content and time readers spend on your site, but it is also believed to send trust signals to Google and improve SEO ranking.

6. Add more than text uses Different multimedia: The content on your website shouldn’t be only written words. Images, videos, slideshows, and audio can help enrich the user experience and allow you to deliver information in a way that is most suited to your ideal site visitors.

7. Improve Site Readability: Keep your audience in mind when you’re writing content on your website. If you want people to visit your site and spend time there, speak in terms they can understand. Making your content easy to read and understand helps make it useful to your readers. Some experts also believe that Google takes readability into account when ranking webpages.

You can use a variety of tools to test your content’s readability, including:

8. Fix Broken links: If you’re using authority websites for hyperlinks, you shouldn’t have to worry about the links breaking. Who wants to get a 404 page after clicking on a link? Broken links make for bad usability. Not only that, search engines consider a large number of broken links as a signal of an old, neglected site and this can impact your SEO ranking.

You can use tools like Screaming Frog SEO Spider, Google Search Console, and W3C Link Checker to search for links with errors on your website.

9. Site architecture and navigation: When visitors can’t find what they need on a website right away, they most likely leave the site and this contributes to high bounce rate, low dwell time and a low number of pages viewed. A “flat” site architecture not only makes content easier to find, but it can also help improve SEO ranking as it surfaces links of all critical pages making it easier for search engines to crawl the entire site.

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10. Optimize your site for mobile devices: As I’m sure you know, mobile use is on the rise. It’s rising so fast that it’s actually overtaken computers and laptop devices. In the USA, 94% of people with smartphones search for local information on their phones. Interestingly, 77% of mobile searches occur at home or at work, places where desktop computers are likely to be present.

Obviously, Google recognizes this and ranks sites accordingly. Your website needs to be optimized for mobile users. There’s no way around this. If your site isn’t optimized, it’ll hinder the user experience, adversely affecting your ranking.

Everyone wants to improve their site search rankings and get more traffic. But only a few use the right SEO techniques to improve their websites. Which SEO techniques working for you in 2019? Please share your views in the comments.