Mozila launched ‘Webmaker’ Android App in Bangla

Mozilla Webmaker Android App

August 17, 2015 Mozilla launched a new Android app version of Webmaker that focused on participants from three main markets – Bangladesh, India, and Kenya. The new app currently only support Android devices and available in four languages: Bengali, Brazilian Portuguese, English and Indonesian.

The announcement comes as a follow up on the initial Mozilla Webmaker that launched over three years ago, with the goal of hand-tailoring an intuitive and organic web-creating space that would help people "learn and play using the open building blocks of the web."

You can download the  free, open source app from Google Play at

Current app is updated version of it beta version. Improved performance and a more optimal user experience, shared projects can now be viewed on any platform (mobile or desktop), and users with poor connectivity will experience better performance while offline. Also, content discovery is now location-based — you can see what others in your community are creating and remixing.

Mozilla Webmaker transforms Web users into Web makers. You can build original content like scrapbooks, photo galleries, memes, comic strips and more. Mozilla built Webmaker to empower first-time smartphone users and mobile-first Web users as active participants on the Web. Too often, individuals around the world experience a “read-only” mobile Web, passively consuming content and unable to actively contribute. But when consumers become creators, they’re introduced to social and economic opportunity. And when everyone can contribute equally, the Web becomes a better place.

Webmaker was designed to give these users a way to create their own presence online. Webmaker also could set the stage for bringing more local content on the Web.

Testing Bangla Webmaker

Bangladesh Mozilla Community has made significant contribution to planning and making the Webmaker. Bangladeshi volunteers have worked with Mozilla Webmaker Team for several months to make sure the app User-Friendly, better performance and a more optimal user experience.

In the coming months, the Mozilla will promote Webmaker in Bangladesh as part of a nationwide campaign to Web literacy. Alongside Access-to-Information (program) of Prime Minister's Office, Mozilla will work in Bangladesh aiming to increase the digital efficiency.

IT Security and Fraud Detection Seminar in Dhaka

IT Security and Fraud Detection Seminar

A seminar about IT Security and Fraud Detection and its proper usages will be held on Thursday, August 27 at BIBM Center.

CTO Forum Bangladesh and Bangladesh Institute of Bank Management (BIBM) will organized the seminar at BIBM Center. The organizers said at a press conference in city’s Farmgate area on Monday afternoon.

They said that so far 700+ online shops exist in bangladesh and Sales of these online shopping sites are gradually increasing everyday. Every online shop at some point face fraud and security issue. According to the organizers, the seminar will uphold different aspects of online shopping, which has earned fame globally.

It will put importance on IT Security and Fraud Detection as it is the top issue in developing this sector, they added.

Visa chief risk (India and South Asia) officer Shivakumar Sriraman will present keynote paper at the seminar to be attended by Bangladesh Bank (BB) deputy governor Nazneen Sultana as chief guest and BIBM director general Dr Towfiq Ahmed Chowdhury as special guest.

Southeast Bank limited deputy managing director SM Mainuddin Chowdhury, CTO Forum Bangladesh president Kamal Kanti Sarkar, its vice president Nawyad Iqbal, EC Shyama Prasad Bepari and Commercial Bank of Ceylon PLS head of IT Dr Izazul Haque, among others, were present at the conference.

To mitigate your online business risk of Security and fraud, you should join the Seminar.

Social Media Tactics to Increase Traffic to Your Website

Social Media to Increase Traffic to Your Website

Are you struggling to control the power of Social Media for your website? are you want to Increase Traffic to Your Website from social media? If the above answer is yes, then I'm writing this post for you.

Why should you care about Social Media?

Because it used by millions of users everyday. Based on Statista data, revealed in March 2015, below are the approximate numbers of active users in different social media sites:

  • Facebook – 1,415,000,000 
  • LinkedIn – 347,000,000 
  • Google+ – 300,000,000 
  • Twitter – 288,000,000

Do you know, The population of USA is something like 300,000,000. And all of these social media users are there, just on the other side of your screen!

The days are gone when you could optimize your website and blog every day, increase your audience via email and RSS subscriber and just sit and relax. Although this strategy still works in today, But now it is the era of social media!

The Social Media Sites can help increase your website visitor if you have something worth in your website. Here are some tips for how you can use Social Media to Increase Traffic to Your Website.

So here are Social Media Tactics that you can apply to drive traffic to your websites.

Tactic #1: Did you know that Twitter now has over 316 million monthly active users and 500 million Tweets sent per day? Communicating with customers and posting tweets regularly may increase your website visitor.

Every time you tweet, include the post headline and link back to your website. Also try to include a picture from the post within the tweet, Twitter users love pictures.

Tactic #2: Start a Facebook page for your website. This is a great, additional subscription option for heavy Facebook users, and it can be a means of expanding your platform. I’ve met several new people who “liked” my page and weren’t previously friends with me on Facebook.

Regularly share your content on Facebook. There are some great tools to help make this easier for you. Encourage your readers to do the same by adding a Facebook “like” or “share” button.

Tactic #3: Ask others to promote your blog via social bookmarking sites, such as DIGG, Stumbleupon, Reddit, and others. You may occasionally do this yourself, but be careful of doing it repeatedly, as some sites penalize sites with multiple submissions from the same user.

Tactic #4: Implement social sharing tools on your website. Here is a list of popular social sharing tools that I have tested so far. A few are plugins designed specifically for WordPress, but others can be used on almost any website.

Tactic #5: The evolution of online feedback and commenting has come a long way; from the old school guestbook to forum and feedback form, and from native platform-dependent commenting systems to today’s social-powered commenting systems that work cross-platform regardless of what Content Management System, Programming Language or Scripts your site is based on.

Use a social-powered commenting tool like Disqus, IntenseDebate, Livefyre or Facebook.

Tactic #6: Write catchy headlines that people will want to share. Most people neglect this by posting well-written articles with crappy, nondescript titles.

Tactic #7: Write compelling content. You might be thinking, “Duh,” but I really mean that. It has to be really good. Like, better than your average blog.

Tactic #8: No matter what social media you are trying to leverage, sharing mediocre information will only hurt you. I’ve learned this the hard way because when I get lazy and share mediocre information, I see that my social traffic drops.

Tactic #9: Whenever you release a tweet or a Facebook post, you can control where you place your link. Place your links near the beginning of your social posts, it'll increase click-throughs-rate.

Tactic #10: Consider creating a hashtag that is short, recognizable by followers, and allows them to easily follow along. If you’re using an existing hashtag, ensure you’re adding value to the conversation.

Tactic #11: Since LinkedIn obtained pulse, It has remained a content publishing platform, but now it features articles from anyone who posts on LinkedIn. This is your opportunity to get your content in front of a large audience and get visitor to your website.

I’m sure that each of you found useful social media tactics in this post. Go ahead, share it, write your ideas and opinions in comments.

Are You Still Practicing Outdated SEO Tactics: 11 Tactics To Avoid!

11 Outdated SEO Tactics to Avoid

Last week, I wrote about SEO Best Practice in 2015 and On-Page SEO Checklist, So I think I should write about SEO tactics that don't work anymore. In this article, I'll tell you what outdated SEO tactics don't work and why.

Search Engine like Google always improving their search algorithm to give you the fresh, relevant and authentic result based on your query. Because they don't want to see you unhappy with their search result and don't want to see you switching to others search engine. To keep you happy and serve you the fresh, relevant and authentic result, they managed to develop state of the art search algorithm.

Search engine optimization has changed over the years, are you still practicing outdated and ineffective SEO strategies? outdated tactics you are using actually do nothing to improve our search engine rankings. So, Stop wasting your time on outdated SEO strategies.

To help you save your precious time and money, I'm going to discuss below outdated, ineffective, and obsolete SEO strategies you should stop using right now.

Tactic #1: Meta Descriptions

Some SEO Professional believe that Meta Descriptions help increase search engine ranking, and if you are on that side, my friend I would like remind you an old announcement from Google in back in 2009 that they won’t have an impact on the rankings of a web page algorithmically.


SEO Experts Opinion About Meta Descriptions

MOZ says…
“Meta description tags, while not important to search engine rankings, are extremely important in gaining user click-through from search engine result pages (SERPs). These short paragraphs are webmasters opportunity to advertise content to searchers and let them know exactly what the given page has with regard to what they’re looking for.”

Search Engine Land says…
“The meta description tag won’t help you rank, but it will often appear as the text snippet below your listing, so it should include the relevant keyword(s) and be written so as to encourage searchers to click on your listing.”

The next question you might ask is, Still it matter? Yes, it is important Because, your website meta description provides the best chance of search engines displaying the snippet of text right below your website title and URL. A Descriptive and well-written meta descriptions have been proven to lead to significantly improved click-through rates, And if it's missing Google will show text from your website content.

Tactic #2: Exact Match Keywords

Stuffing Exact Match Keywords in the website do not help increase your website search engine ranking. Keywords do not need to be repeated exactly throughout your website.

If you want to rank for a phrase like “clean my carpet,” you do not need to repeat the term exactly in your website, instead you may use "immaculate my carpet," which will google see similar to “clean my carpet,” If you use “immaculate” instead of “clean,” you'll have opportunity to rank for both phrases.


Because, Google’s algorithm uses Latent semantic indexing (LSI), which help Google identify patterns in the relationships between the terms and concepts contained in an unstructured collection of text. LSI is based on the principle that words that are used in the same contexts tend to have similar meanings.

Tactic #3: Google Authorship

In June 2011, When Google introduced their Authorship Markup, SEO experts were thought that it's the future of search engine optimization, Today it is just another quest of Google.


August 28, 2014, John Mueller of Google Webmaster Tools announced in a Google+ post that Google will stop showing authorship results in Google Search, and will no longer be tracking data from content using rel=author markup.

Here's few recent article about google authorship published in Search Engine Land and written by SEO expert like Danny Sullivan.

The nutshell about Google Authorship is, it won't help your website rank higher in the search.

Tactic #4: More Pages Mean Higher Ranking

Some expert have the opinion that if your website has more pages, It'll get higher organic ranking. More pages with content are good, but creating content just to have more pages will not help you in SEO, You have to Make sure you are focusing your content on quality, not quantity. If your website doesn't have enough good content, It will not rank well and all of those pages you created will not help.

Tactic #5: SEO is All About Good Code, Content, and Links

About 5 years ago, SEO used to be all about Good Code, More Content and Getting Tons of Links. At Present, most of the websites that are ranking really well have a large social following and presence. People argue whether social media directly or indirectly affects search rankings, but either way it does have an impact.


Think about it, the more popular your website is on the social media, the more eye you will draw to it. The more people see it, the more traffic and backlinks your website will receive. Additionally, social media is a great way to send out content and get the traction you are looking for.

If you want better search engine rankings, don’t just focus on code, content and link building. Also, focus on building up your social profiles. Read how to manage your social media.

Tactic #5: Anchor Text Optimized Backlinks

This is a fat one, the question of anchor text is still heavily debated. In the past, experts found this to be important to dominate in the search rank. However, the search engine like google adjusted their algorithm to prevent manipulating their search result by this tactic.


Google launched the Penguin Update in April 2012 to better catch sites presume to be spamming its search results, in particular, those doing so by anchor text optimization or obtaining optimized links through networks designed primarily to boost Google rankings.

Tactic #6: Micro Sites Helps Your SEO

A lot of SEO Professional build Micro Sites (links from web 2.0 sites such as blogger, weebly, tumblr, squidoo or hub pages) these links can be good for website SEO, if you build them perfectly. For instance, a perfect web 2.0 link will have a well written engaging content, one that will help your audience out and engage them to visit your website.


A poorly written micro site will be filled with garbage content that has usually been created by a content spinner or a low paid outsourced worker. These contents don’t do anything to help your website SEO at all and usually considerate as duplicate content. Once search engine find out these duplicate content, means your rankings will drop significantly, don’t let anyone build these kind of content for your website.

Tactic #7: Higher Ranking Means More Traffic

There are some Statistics about search ranking placement and click-through rates, ranking is no longer a factor.

Avg Google CTR

Certainly, more people will see your listing, but it doesn’t mean you will get more clicks. I attribute this to user behavior and awareness of search engine optimization tricks.


Because today's internet surfer is intelligent than ever, They will be aware of the business, product or service but their knowledge and experience will force them to continue searching for the best business, service or most relevant product.

Advanced Web Ranking has a CTR Study Running, Where they present fresh data on the click-through-rate from Google’s organic search results. The data is taken from Google Webmaster Tools Search Queries reports from large accounts. Check it out here.

Tactic #8: Link Exchanges

This used to be a huge one.
If you handle link exchanges properly it can help, if you are doing it with websites in your niche and providing each other value. But there’s a risk involved in behind and interestingly this all works on very short-term basis! How? Let me Explain.


The problem occurs when you/your SEO “Experts” start exchanging links with Link Firm. This break Google Link schemes, and search engine webmaster guidelines. It may even increase your website ranking and traffic for a short amount of time, but just wait a few days, then your website ranking will drop down dramatically and your website will never rank again.

If you find that your SEO firm is doing link exchanges from websites that aren’t related to yours, get rid of them and find someone who knows what they are doing.

Tactic #9: Low Price Gig

Do you know, some SEO firms outsource all of their SEO work to Low Price Gig sites like Fiverr, SEOClerks, aDollarSEO, ETC. They purchase SEO services for only $1 - $5, and sadly they get exactly what they pay for.


This kind of sites are infamous in the SEO world and for good reason, they can't deliver ranking or related traffic within $5. They can only bring you bot traffic from China and North Korea.

If you find out that your SEO Specialist/firm is outsourcing your SEO work to these kinds of site, abandon them right now and find someone who works personally in his client project.

Tactic #10: PBN Means SEO Authority

This is another fat one, Another myth is believing that Private Blog Links that you/your SEO professional own link back to your main site will help build SEO Authority. Incorrect! That’s like voting for yourself in an election a hundred times — that still counts as one vote.


Because most of the PBN built with one hosting account and same domain registrar data, meaning all sites live on the same IP address and same registrant name/organization. The search engine like google's algorithm check C Class IP and has full access to the WHOIS database. So if you get 10 links from a PBN, google may count 10 links as only one link. And if you have 'too many' backlink pointing from one PBN, then google may think the blog network as a link firm and penalize your website.

Tactic #11: Guaranteed First Page Rankings

I see these all the time (I also get a lot of emails from SEO agencies), Many SEO Companies offering “Guaranteed top 10 search engine rankings” and “Guarantee first page Rankings”.

Do they really deliver what they offer?

Well, they might deliver the result for a couple of keywords, or it might be for ten or more keywords depending on the keyword competition. They can only deliver if the keyword competition is very low otherwise not.


No one can give you a number one or top 10 ranking guarantee because there is no such thing in SEO. Neither you nor they control search engine search result. I'd say, don’t listen to them, most of them are scammers and thieves. Be aware of this kind of agencies/companies.


If you’re new to SEO or a seasoned SEO professional, it’s important to understand the common outdated, ineffective, and obsolete SEO strategies.

These outdated methods will have you implementing ineffective SEO tactics or even tactics that can hurt your SEO efforts.

Understanding the latest SEO Tactics will improve your internet marketing strategy and increase user awareness when searching for information about your business, product or service.

How to Increase the Domain Authority of Your Site: Infographic

The concept of Domain Authority was started by Moz (Previously known as SEO Moz) and represents the best prediction for how a website will perform in search engine rankings. It is calculated by combining all of Moz's other link metrics—linking root domains, number of total links, MozRank, MozTrust, etc.—into a single score.

It is one of the most important Phrase known to SEOs. The greater your DA, the more likely you are to have strong traffic and high rank.

Want to know How to Increase the Domain Authority of Your Site? Well, the Infographic Explain it all.

Domain Authority Infographic