How to Fix Common Mobile Content and Usability Issues

Mobile Content and Usability

From last year mobile became dominant device for search query, and from April 21, 2015 google's mobile friendly search algorithm update (Commonly known as Mobilegeddon, which is designed to give preference to mobile friendly websites over non-mobile friendly websites), it is your responsibility to make your site mobile friendly in order to claim higher position on search result.

A recent research revealed that Search is 48% mobile user's starting point, and it's increasing rapidly. The analysts of RESEARCHANDMARKETER says that the global mobile entertainment market to grow at a Compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 17.82% over the period 2014-2019.

The forecast is simple, mobile is taking over the control, and search engine like google and bing taking steps to adopt it. To help you, ensure that your website is good to go with this, here are few common mobile content and usability issue and solutions in Search Engine Optimization Prospective.

In this article, we'll cover

  1. Viewport
  2. Use Stylistic Images
  3. Breakpoint
  4. Font and Text
  5. Flash
  6. Loading Speed

Viewport Configuration: 

For those that are unaware, viewport controls the way web pages are displayed on different devices. Without a configured viewport, pages will appear on mobile devices as the typical desktop screen width, only scaled to fit the screen.

Because visitors to your site use a variety of devices with varying screen sizes—from large desktop monitors to tablets and small smartphones—your pages should specify a viewport using the meta viewport tag. This tag tells browsers how to adjust the page’s dimension and scaling to suit the device. Learn more in Responsive Web Design Basics.

There is clearly demand for the viewport meta tag since it is supported by most popular mobile browsers and used by thousands of websites. It would be good to have a true standard for web pages to control viewport properties.

Use Stylistic Images: 

Wherever possible Apply simple styling and Add stylistic images. These are always some images in our website that were important to the narrative of our product. Stylistic images are images that are not needed as part of the core content but add visual flare or help guide the user’s attention to a specific piece of content.

Set your Breakpoint:

  • Constrain the maximum width of the design. 
  • Give enough padding to elements and make bigger the text size. 
  • Make the video float around the content. 
  • Reduce the size of the images and have them appear in a nicer grid.

Font and Text:


The viewport also impacts how fonts are scaled on different devices. A page without a properly configured viewport is scaled down on mobile devices, often resulting in the text on the page being illegible due to its small size.

Some mobile browsers may attempt to scale fonts for pages without a properly configured viewport. This scaling behavior varies between browsers and should not be relied upon to deliver legible fonts on mobile devices. PageSpeed Insights displays the text on your page without browser-specific font scaling applied.


On the narrow viewport, you don’t have a lot of space to display content so the size and weight of the typography are often drastically reduced to fit the screen.

With a larger viewport, you need to consider that the user is more likely to be on a larger screen but further away. To increase the readability of the content, we can increase the size and weight of the typography and we can also alter the padding to make distinct areas stand out more.

Avoid Flash: 

As it currently stands, the majority of mobile browsers do not support Flash-based content. Sites that embed any content that relies on Flash, whether it be for animations, videos, or navigation, are essentially damaging the site’s potential since users on mobile can’t view the content. So you shouldn't have flash on your website.

Improve Loading Speed: 

Your website must deliver and render the “above the fold” content in under one second. This allows the user to begin interacting with the website as soon as possible. Since mobile device CPUs are less powerful than desktop CPUs, speed tips that reduce CPU consumption (for instance JavaScript Parse time) need to be addressed first.

See Google's PageSpeed Insights Rules for how to improve web page load speed.
These are just things I think you should take in consideration about Mobile Content and Usability Issues. I am sure you can come up with more opinions and am really looking forward to your thoughts about How to Fix Common Mobile Content and Usability Issues?

New Research Methods and more Features out in LinkAssistant Rank Tracker

Keywords are the foundation of any SEO campaign. Optimizing for the most cost-effective, relevant search terms is sure to bring you the desired rankings and traffic and save big in the meantime, both time- and money-wise.
Spot-on keyword ideas from Google Webmaster Tools, Analytics, and AdWords
Obviously, the more of the right keywords you can target, the better. Alas, finding those gets increasingly difficult: with Google Autocomplete closing its APImany free keyword tools (like Übersuggest) may stop working — unable to get the data they were built upon.
But here's the good news: even after the API shutdown, Google Autocomplete will still be available in your Rank Tracker. And here is the even better news: in today's update, we've added 3 new keyword research techniques to Rank Tracker's 17 existing methods, letting you get even more valuable keyword ideas right from Google:
And that's not all — read on to find out which other improvements in Rank Tracker's keyword research functionality are out today!

1. Find and analyze terms you already rank for

Ranking for keywords you haven't been specifically optimizing for (and probably haven't even thought of!) is surprisingly common.
What if you could have a list of such keywords? That would let you assess all of them comprehensively, pick the most profitable ones, and further optimize your pages for these. would require much less time and effort than trying to get to the top for keywords your site isn't even listed in Google for. A bit of keyword-targeted on-page SEO will get you a long way — and can save you months of hard SEO work.
The latest version of Rank Tracker lets you quickly import keywords your site is already listed for right from Google Search Console.
Read the how-to...

2. Discover all keywords that bring you traffic

Knowing exactly which search queries are attracting search traffic — both organic and paid— most affectively is a valuable asset.
With its latest update, Rank Tracker lets you easily discover all keywords that bring Google traffic to your site, pulling the data right from Google Analytics at a click of the mouse.
Read the how-to...

3. Uncover keywords relevant to any page

Google indexes web pages in correlation with certain search queries — alas, these may not always be the ones you've been optimizing your pages for.
The latest Rank Tracker lets you quickly get a list of keywords Google thinks are relevant to any page on the web (or multiple pages at a time!) right from Google Adwords.
Read the how-to...

More improvements for handier keyword research

Along with the 3 new keyword research methods, the latest Rank Tracker update also offers a bunch of improvements to make the process of finding and assessing keywords as easy and intuitive as it gets.

1. Tag keywords right in the Suggest Keywords wizard

The new Rank Tracker lets you add tags to keywords as it finds them — regardless of the keyword research method you're using. When the app comes up with a list of keywords, feel free to tag them right away — so that you can then easily tell which of the ideas came from which source.

2. Filter keywords in the Suggest Keywords wizard

When Rank Tracker finds keywords for you (using any of its 20 research methods), it lets you filter them right away to make sure you only choose keywords that meet certain requirements. Just click the  button and hit  to add a filter.

3. Get expected AdWords ad clicks for every keyword

In today's Rank Tracker update, we're also adding a new factor to make keyword research and analysis even more efficient for you. In Rank Tracker's SEO & PCC analysis workspace, you'll now find the Expected Ad Clicks column, showing how many clicks a month an AdWords ad can expect to get in Google, letting you easily estimate the cost-effectiveness of placing an ad for any query.

Search Engine Optimization in 2015

SEO in 2015

The change in Search Engine Optimization over the last few years have been quite exciting and, it seems, this trend is set to continue in 2015.

So how today's SEO Professional plan their Search Engine Optimization Strategy in 2015? To help you, here are a few of my thoughts on How to Do SEO in 2015.

Be a Content Developer

You should have a content-based SEO strategy in 2015, without a purely content-based strategy,  It will be harder to stand out from the crowd. SEO planning needed to get a lot more creative and employ more paid and non-paid elaboration to help content reach wider audiences.

Know About Google Ranking Signals

Google is using more and more signals to determine search ranking, and your job will be to fully understand what those signals are, and how they interact.

Google's “mobile-friendly” Algorithm

Google's mobile search is started changing the way it ranks site's that lack a good mobile user experience. Mobile-friendly websites have really taken off in the past four years and will only continue to do so in the next.

On-Page SEO

Search Engine is moving forward from getting the exact details of on-page SEO right and more towards ensuring that your pages, products, and content actually meet your website users' expectations.

So what does matter on your website On-Page SEO? 

  • Website Title and Description
  • Image "alt" tag represent similar name as your page content theme
  • Heading
  • Keyword Consistency
  • Clean URL
  • Internal Linking to Related Pages
  • Sitemap and Robots.txt
  • Page Speed
  • Text/HTML Ratio
  • Use of MultiMedia
  • Social Media Sharing Option
  • Website Usability

Be Authoritative

Becoming an authoritative source for information that meets users expectations more than search engine needs will become exceptionally important. While links still continue to be of primary value, Smart SEO Professional will more and more value other means of creating traffic and audience around a site.

Learn About User Experience

You have to need to understand a lot more about user experience and web development to continue building engaging website and content. Having a solid understanding of the latest trends in user experience might add value to your SEO campaign.
Keep in Mind that, Everything you do online could have some effect on your SEO Project.

How Google Handles New Top Level Domains (TLDs)

new top level domains

In a Recent Google's Webmaster Central Blog Post, Google's John Mueller explained how Google handles new top level domains (TLDs) such as .guru or .how. The nutshell is, there are no TLDs that Google finds preferential to others; they are all treated equally in rankings.

Here are the details Google published on this topic today:

Google does not favor any TLD

Google's systems treat new gTLDs (generic top-level domains) like other gTLDs (like .com & .org). Keywords in a TLD do not give any advantage or disadvantage in a search.

Googlebot can crawl and index IDN TLDs

Internationalized domain names (IDN) TLDs such as .みんな can be used the same as other TLDs. Google treats the Punycode version of a hostname as being equivalent to the unencoded version, so you don't need to redirect or canonicalize them separately. For the rest of the URL, remember to use UTF-8 for the path and query-string in the URL, when using non-ASCII characters.

A .brand TLD has the same weight as a .com domain

Those TLDs will be treated the same as another gTLDs. They will require the same geotargeting settings and configuration, and they won’t have more weight or influence in the way Google crawls, indexes, or ranks URLs.

Region or city TLDs like .london or .bayern are treated as gTLDs

Even if they look region-specific, Google will treat these TLDs as gTLDs (generic top-level domains). This is consistent with Google's handling of regional TLDs like .eu and .asia. There may be exceptions at some point down the line, as Google sees how they're used in practice.

Country code TLDs will be used for geotargeting

By default, most ccTLDs (country code top-level domains) result in Google using these to geotarget the website (with some exceptions); it tells Google that the website is probably more relevant in the appropriate country. For example, a .de domain is probably more relevant than a .com domain in Germany.

Moving your site to a new TLD is the same as moving your site to a new domain name

Google treats moves to a new TLD the same as any other site move. Domain changes can take time to be processed for search (and outside of search, users expect email addresses to remain valid over a longer period of time), so it's generally best to choose a domain that will fit your long-term needs.

I hope this gives you information on how the new top level domains are handled by Google. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask in Google Webmasters help forum.

SEO Experts Review: What is the best SEO friendly CMS platform in 2015 for a company website?

If you need to use CMS for your next project, think what you'll be going to use?

This question asked by one of the Quora User and here's what came out. Responses listed in the order they were received in:

Alice Deans
I feel that wordpress has number of options to work on the SEO. You can totally customize the site along with the focus keywords. I personally use it.

Aegis OutdoorsMinnesota Permit To Carry
Here's Why We Should Use WordPress.

  1. WordPress is Free as in Freedom 
  2. WordPress is Easy to Use and Learn 
  3. WordPress is Extendable by Using Themes and Plugins 
  4. WordPress is Search Engine Friendly 
  5. WordPress is Easy To Manage 
  6. WordPress is Safe and Secure 
  7. WordPress Can Handle Different Media Types

Gjivan ShresthaWeb Entrepreneur / Director at Ewebpedia Network™

If you are non tech savvy, go for WordPress, they are good in seo not only cz of responsive theme design but also there are numerous plugins which automate your work.

Diana Perk - Get Expert Advice on Web Development

If you are considering building a company website and considering to choose best CMS platform that offer you the ability to update and control your website without advanced technical knowledge then wordpress would be best option.

Wordpress: Wordpress is the most popular choice among developers, bloggers and corporations. It is easy to set up website in wordpress as it include number of plugins that can be used to extend WordPress with regards to SEO. Wordpress is right choice when it comes to SEO.

Why WordPress?

  1. It’s extremely beginner-friendly 
  2. It’s powerful 
  3. It’s mobile friendly 
  4. Easy to customize

David Miller - Sr. Sales Manager

Go with WordPress. WordPress is one of the world’s prominent open source content management systems.

Benefits Of WordPress: 

  • Simple to edit or create new pages. 
  • Easy to customize.
  • Search engines love WordPress because the code is very clean can keep the content fresh all the time. 
  • Very Flexible – WordPress can be integrated with whatever applications you have on your site or be re-designed to match your site. 
  • Quick Loading – Page loads quickly so you don't lose the attention of your visitors.

If you are looking for a wordpress designer/developer, please visit our portfolio:

If you are interested please send us your exact requirement details to

David Quaid - CEO of eScape Web Design for 10 years

All I can say is WordPress - and totally agree with David Miller on this.

It's out of the box SEO friendly, especially when you deploy the Yoast All-in-One SEO Plugin: WordPress SEO Plugin • XML Sitemaps & more! • Yoast

Other platforms like Drupal and Joomla are just inherently SEO unfriendly.

I know one SEO who didn't like WordPress and was convinced it was SEO unfriendly just because you couldn't edit Page titles with it. It's so untrue.

The problem with other CMS platforms is that they're built in academia to solve problems that don't exist in reality. Drupal's nodes and auto-tagging are fine, until you have 50 pages.

I'll pick WP+Yoast for

  • Instant Category and Tag Pages 
  • Very easy to make responsive - you dont have to build a separate site or theme 
  • Instant XML Sitemap (RSS Feed and Yoast) 
  • WP Pingomatic automatically pings Google and Bing for you 
  • Ease of integration for Analytics, Webmaster Tools 
  • SEF and Human-friendly URLs 
  • Great for social sharing icons 
  • Easy to use page/post editor 
  • CMS options from Woo etc 
  • Tonnes of free and commercial plug-ins
Syed Farhan Raza, SEO Scientist & Internet Marketing Consultant

Well, SEO not have much to do with CMS technically but the UI of some make it better then others. 

On-Page SEO on wordpress is much more easy and highly recommended for the standard websites specifically when they are being run by non-tech.

Many many thanks to everyone who contributed to this post! Please share if you think it was useful!