Do You Make Your Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Too Complicated?

The week is coming to an end again and I'm holding you a moment off the weekend to present you the best SEO News of the last week. Do You Make Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Too Complicated? What is SEO? How does 301 Redirect affect SEO? Questions about questions and I'm OK to answer you again. Have fun while reading this article.

In search engine optimization, there are many methods can be used to increase any website search engine organic ranking. Prior to execute any strategy, goals must first be defined. A suitable strategy can then be developed from these goals. There are a few simple questions you can ask yourself:

What is the purpose of my website?: Do I want to generate leads? Do I want to sell a product? Do I want to distribute content? The purpose of a website is directly dependent on the goal to be defined first.

What will I achieve?: Is it revenue based? User based? Traffic based? The definition of what you want is crucial to the success of the strategy.

How can I measure my success?: After you know what you want to achieve, you have to know how to measure your success. If, for example, you want to generate leads, you need not only traffic on the website, the traffic must also need to convert to leads. What will bring you a thousand visitors when none of them convert?

Who are my competitors?: knowing your competitors is important. By monitoring the competition, you can easily identify and exploit gaps in their SEO strategy.

Once the goals are set, a strategy must be developed. In doing so, it is important to keep the focus on the objectives and to sort out everything that does not correspond to your goal. At this stage of the process, you should already consider the partners you need to work with. In order to operate successful SEO strategy, sometimes, you may have to rely on others at some points.

The next phase of the process is to review the results. The focus should be on everything that has a clear influence on the achievement of the goal. There are four simple questions to be asked.

  • What has worked?
  • What did not work?
  • Why did not it work?
  • What's next?

The aim of these questions is to find out if you are on the right path. At some points you can not answer all these questions. Through the questions you make sure that you does not lose the focus. One of the most important questions is the fourth one.

After all the results have been analyzed & solved the question, time adjustments have to be made. Based on the collected data, the strategy can be reoriented and improvements can be made to achieve the goal and restart the process further.

Google New Page Speed & Mobile Friendly Tool before: The new All-In-One tool from Google allows website owner or webmaster to check the Mobile friendliness, mobile speed & desktop speed in no time. As with the Google PageSpeed ​​Insights Tool, the user is given helpful tips on how to fix the issue.

301 Redirect?: A 301 redirect is the HTTP status code for when a page has been moved permanently to a new location or URL.

With a 301 redirect, the value of inbound links as well as historic/trust records for one URL will move to the other, though there’s debate as to just how much of this benefits are passed on to the new URL.

301 redirects are particularly useful in the following circumstances:

  • You've moved your site to a new domain, and you want to make the transition as seamless as possible.
  • People access your site through several different URLs. If, for example, your home page can be reached in multiple ways - for instance,,, or - it's a good idea to pick one of those URLs as your preferred (canonical) destination, and use 301 redirects to send traffic from the other URLs to your preferred URL.
  • You're merging two websites and want to make sure that links to outdated URLs are redirected to the correct pages.

To implement a 301 redirect properly for your websites that are hosted on servers running Apache, you'll need access to your server's .htaccess file.

New Google Accelerated Mobile Pages: Google AMP is still rising. More and more websites offering AMP versions for their mobile users.

Ads on AMP Website
Ads on AMP Website Study by AMP Project

Google's Project Amp prevails slowly but surely, and more and more sites offer a quick AMP version of the content, which can be loaded much faster on smartphones. Since, of course, such websites must also be financed, Google has made possible a number of advertising forms from the beginning, which are now to be expanded. Soon there will be three new forms of advertising.

  • Sticky Ads
  • Flying Carpet Ads
  • AMP Ads for Pages

Read More From AMP Blog.

'Mobile-First Indexing ' Google’s Begins Making a big change to Organic Ranking and Appearance

Google Mobile-First Indexing

As we know, Since 1997 Google has used the desktop version of websites to determine it’s search relevance and organic ranking signals in order to populate its organic search index.

Google has begun testing mobile-first indexing, using mobile content to determine it’s search relevance and organic ranking signals, which will primarily look at the mobile version of your website for its ranking signals and eventually fall back on the desktop version when there is no mobile version available for user search query.

Most of Google Searches are Mobile

Google realized that most people search on Google using mobile devices, and the company has begun experimentation with switching to a mobile-first indexing methodology last year. This will be of particular interest to webmasters, depending upon the configuration of the websites under their management.

A detailed study released by Google reveals roughly 40% of people search only on a smartphone. More people are searching Google via smartphone than ever before the company says, with the most popular categories revolving around health, parenting, and beauty.

Other top findings from Google’s study include:

  • 80% of people use a smartphone
  • 67% of people use a desktop computer
  • 16% of people use a tablet
  • 57% of people use more than one type of device
  • 27% of people use a smartphone only
  • 14% of people use a desktop computer only

Dissecting these findings, it’s interesting to learn that of the people who only use one type of device, twice as many are using smartphones than desktop computers.

Google acknowledged the significance of the undertaking and wrote on the Webmaster Central Blog:

Today, most people are searching on Google using a mobile device. However, our ranking systems still typically look at the desktop version of a page’s content to evaluate its relevance to the user. This can cause issues when the mobile page has less content than the desktop page because our algorithms are not evaluating the actual page that is seen by a mobile searcher.

Although mobile-friendly sites should not require any changes, Google has made several suggestions for sites that maintain separate markup for mobile and desktop devices. Otherwise, sites optimized only for desktop consumption will continue to be indexed as they are now.

Google wrote:

We understand this is an important shift in our indexing and it’s one we take seriously. We’ll continue to carefully experiment over the coming months on a small scale and we’ll ramp up this change when we’re confident that we have a great user experience.

For websites that do not currently offer a mobile-optimized experience, the news may inspire website owner and webmasters to quickly build and deploy a mobile version of their site. However, Google recommended a more careful approach and advised, as

If you are building a mobile version of your site, keep in mind that a functional desktop-oriented site can be better than a broken or incomplete mobile version of the site. It's better for you to build up your mobile site and launch it when ready.

No mobile site? Where to Start?

So you know that, Google prioritizing mobile over desktop sends a message that Website owners, webmasters and SEOs should do the same. At the very least, this means having either a mobile or responsive version of your website.

Having a mobile-optimized website is not enough for eligible top position on google organic search. In short, mobile-friendly is the bare minimum requirement, You should take care of following issue:

  • Follow Google Webmaster Guidelines.
  • Site Optimize for right keywords.
  • Website Speed Matters.
  • Have a healthy amount of google accessible text on your site.
  • Site images have descriptive ALT tags and filenames.
  • Make sure your site isn’t creating any duplicate content.
  • Have a XML Sitemap.
  • Backlinks from Authority Website.
  • Social Media Presence.

The best way to optimize your site for speed is to publish content using Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) technology. If you’re not yet on board with AMP, I would recommend regularly checking on your mobile PageSpeed using Google’s PageSpeed Insights and Mobile-Friendly Test.

Keep load times as low as possible. Ideally, website owners, webmasters and SEOs should have these bases covered before Google splits its search index. No exact time frame was given as to when the split will happen, but in this industry, it never hurts to be proactive.

We will keep you posted

As we see changes to the Google search results and index, we will report back to you with any issues. When this mobile-first index fully rolls out, we will let you all know.

How to use Keywords in Website Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

A keyword is a term that is used to match with the query a person enters into a search engine to find specific information. Most people enter search phrases that consist of two to five words. Such phrases may be called search phrases, keyword phrases, query phrases, or just keywords.

SEO Keywords are the phrases in your web content that make it possible for people to find your Website via Search Engines. A website that is well optimized and offer relevant content might get higher search engine organic ranking.

These days, keyword optimization, due to keyword Spamming in the past, has been reduced in importance by search engine like Google. It’s purpose is only to tell search engine that, for example, this page is about XX, and you want them to include it in their search results when people search for XX and variations of XX. Lessening the importance of keywords is very different from disregarding them altogether though.

These are the issues you should consider during your Website SEO Process:

Where To Use Keywords

Title Tags in SERPs

Page Title: Title tags are the first places that the search engines will scan, and they are what appear as the actual link on the search engine results page. This is one of the most important places to emphasize your keywords, so make sure that the title tag on each page uses your most important keywords.

The title tag is also what your visitors will see in their web browsers, both in the title area and on tabs (if they’re using tabbed browsing). This is one of the areas where it’s tough to remember that SEO isn't just about pleasing the search engines – it’s also about pleasing your human visitors. They will use the title tag as a primary means of identification and navigation, which is why it needs to be written well-enough to please both parties – definitely not an easy feat.

Meta Description SERP Example

Meta Description: Within your header, there are a number of hidden META tags that only the search engines will see, and the META description tag is one of these hidden tags. On the search engine results page, you can generally see the META description tag by looking at the chunk of text underneath the link.

When writing your META description tag, it’s extremely important to be as concise as possible. The search engines generally only look at the first 150 characters of the description tag, so you only have a limited window in which to get your keywords in. Some search engines only use a part of it before taking some content from elsewhere on the page, so it’s even more important that you incorporate your keywords right up front in your description.

Uses Of The Keywords Meta Tag

META Keywords Tag: It’s still being debated how much weight the search engines give to the META keywords tag. In the early days of search, websites used to cram this tag full of any and all keywords or keyword combinations, in the hopes that the search engines would grasp onto something.

Most search engines learned from that and have changed how they weigh this tag in the search algorithm. Now it’s all about how the META keywords relate to the content on your page, which is why you need to use keywords that are relevant to the website in general and to the page in question specifically.

URL: It's a good idea to include keywords in your URL if they accurately describe the page contents. This is particularly important for businesses that do a lot of Blogging -- there's a huge opportunity to optimize your URLs on every post you publish, as every post lives on its own unique URL.

But beware: Search engines will penalize exact match domains that are keyword stuffed. So if you're thinking of starting up, think again. Keep it to, and you should be fine.

Headline Tag

Headline & Sub-Headline Tag: One of my best tips for improving your headline and sub-headline is to put any keywords or keywords variations you’re using in them up front. Doing so not only emphasizes what comes in the content below, but is useful for people scanning through your website quickly. Just try to keep it clear, concise, and relevant when doing so.

Keywords on Page Body

Page Content: Your page content is reason your website’s exists in the first place, and it’s the backbone of everything else on your website. It’s also what people link to (and links are another contributing factor to SEO) and what will draw people to your website in the first place.

One big consideration when writing your content is keyword density. While your best bet is to incorporate your targeted keyword phrase into your content as often as possible, you want to be careful not to overdo it. You’re not trying to sell your product to search engines; you’re trying to sell it to people, and if your content reads horribly, it can make a bad impression and most likely decrease the chance of making a conversion.

We’ve all seen websites where the keyword density is so high that the content reads horribly. As long as you’re simply aware of the phrase you’re targeting when you’re writing the content, you should end up with an adequate keyword density, probably within the 3-5% range. It’s alright if the targeted keywords stand out when you read through your content; after all, that’s what the person was searching for, and seeing it emphasized will reinforce that they have the information they need to make their decision.

Also remember the 1-to-1 rule: 1 page of content should be optimized for 1 keyword.

Site Navigation & In-Content Link Text: One of my reasons for avoiding using “click here” in link text is that it’s not SEO-friendly. Search engines use the strength of your links in their algorithm, and one of the things that determines link strength is whether the link text using specific keywords in it.

Use specific keywords in your link text helps them estimate how relevant that link is. It also helps build the relevancy of a particular page to a particular keyword phrase.

With all of the places on your website where links are, this doesn't apply solely to links within your page content. It applies to your main navigation links, to your breadcrumbs (as I mentioned already), to your footer links, etc. It’s all about association, and you want the search engines to associate certain keywords with your website in general and with specific pages on your website in particular.

Image Alt Tags

Image Tag: While these attributes were created for usability purposes, they don’t have to be used solely in those ways. They can also be used for SEO purposes in the sense that they’re another opportunity for you to incorporate additional text onto your page – text that contain the keywords you’re optimizing for.

I've written previously about using the ALT and TITLE attributes properly, but the important point is that you shouldn't write them with only the search engines in mind.

Keep them relevant to the element in question, and don’t use them to either duplicate content elsewhere on the page or to stuff them full of keywords to the point that they become completely unhelpful. Above all when it comes to them, think usability first, SEO second.

SEO Breadcrumbs

Breadcrumbs: Another common navigation tool on websites, breadcrumbs can help people pinpoint where they are on your website, as well as how to get back to where they were previously. As with any place you have words on your website, your breadcrumbs are another opportunity for you to incorporate your keywords. Just make sure that the breadcrumb links provide enough detail about what the pages are, without being overly length – 1 to 3 words at most.

Keywords in Embedded File Names

Embedded File Names: What I’m referring to as embedded file names are things like web pages, images, etc. These aren't necessarily things that people will see within your actual content – they’re just ways that you can get more keywords onto your page.

How you write file names should be a no-brainer, but it’s important that you not give them a generic or vague label. People will see the file name of a web page when they hover over a link, so using a file name that contains the keywords that the page is about is useful from usability purposes. (This is one of the main reasons why you should enable your permalinks in WordPress; with HTML websites, you have an easier time controlling the file names.

When it comes to images, why name your image files something vague such as “image01.jpg” instead of actual image file name like "SEO-Audit.jpg". when you can name it something that includes a keyword instead? It’s not something that someone will see or that will really make a difference, but it’s just another spot where you can get the keyword onto the page for the search engines to see it.

How to vary keyword usage

You can Target Multiple Keywords in One Page but, unless they’re very closely related, it can be difficult to do. The best approach is to have one main target keyword for each page, and then to also target keyword variations for same page. Keyword Variations will typically be the main keyword with one or more extra words (Service, Review, Buy, Cheap, etc.) can be added.

If the only difference between keywords is the order of the words, a minor word (a, an, in, on, to, etc.) or plurality (s, ies, etc.), then you can target those keywords on the same page as multiple main keyword targets, as Google Recognizes each of those variations as being nearly the same, and will generally return pretty much the same set of search results for each of the keywords.

How often to use keywords

The Page Title is by far the Most Important Place to add your main target keyword, so make sure, at the very least, you use your main keyword at the page title. If you need to make it part of a phrase, change the order of the words, or add a divider or two, so as to make it look more professional or to target more keywords, then that’s fine it won’t prevent your website ranking #1 in Google organic listing for that keyword.

In addition to using the Main Target Keyword in the Page Title try to use it, or a Variation of it, in at least 3 Places.
  • URL
  • H1 Tag
  • Body Content
  • Site Navigation Link Text
  • In-Content Link Text
  • Image Tag
  • Meta Description

Learn to Avoid Search Penalties

There are a couple of things you should also avoid when optimizing your Website for keywords, so be careful of the following Outdated SEO Practices some people still use.

Never Hide Keywords: This includes using the same color background as you do for the text, or hiding them off to the side using CSS tricks. While this isn't as easy to catch as other black hat tactics, today's more sophisticated search engines like Google can easily find instances of hidden keywords and it can result in serious search penalties.

Avoid Keyword Stuffing: Keyword stuffing means repeating keywords over and over again in the page or post, whether it's in titles, headings, descriptions, page content, URLs, or even at the bottom of a Website in very small text.

Basically, when it looks like keywords have been added unnecessarily onto a Website, it's probably keyword stuffed. Keyword stuffing is the oldest trick in the book when it comes to SEO and nowadays, search engines have been developed specifically to detect it. Not only does it look Spammy, but it's not approved by search engines and will result in penalties.

Don't Force Keywords: This isn't quite the same as stuffing a lot of keywords into a page or post. This is more about not forcing a keyword in even if it's just one if it doesn't belong, contextually speaking. If you can't figure out a place to put a keyword in a piece of content, it's often a sign the content isn't that well-aligned with what your personas need, anyway. Remember, SEO is not about incorporating as many keywords as possible. It’s much more about writing content topics relevant to your target audience.

Summery: It’s important to understand that keywords do still matter, and you should have some idea of the keywords you want to target. But increasingly, the way they’re interpreted by Google is organic and meaning-based, rather than simply taking the keywords you use at face value.

There are a lot of competing schools of thought when it comes to Organic SEO. What are some of your practical tips for incorporating keywords onto your website? Share your thoughts by leaving a comment below!

Google’s New Mobile Index

Google Mobile Index

Tuesday, August 02, 2016, Google Announced at their Webmaster Central Blog that it will be changing the way it evaluates web pages for mobile searches. With more than 3.49 billion people worldwide using the Internet regularly and nearly 2.5 billion who do so from a mobile phone, according to data from InternetLiveStats, this could have a huge impact on your brand’s SEO efforts.

Read More: The State of Mobile Marketing 2015 [Infographic]

Furthering its push to improve services for mobile users, Google has decided to start indexing search results for mobile separately from desktop to offer mobile users better and fresher content.

In the past, mobile search results were based on the version of your website that’s presented to a user when they visit via a desktop computer. However, many websites have a separate, stripped-down version that’s presented to mobile visitors, so the user experience and value of websites aren't always consistent even though mobile searches return the same results as the desktop version.

Google’s solution is to split its index of web pages into two parts, one for desktop and one for mobile, to provide the best user experience on each device. Each user’s search results will be dependent on the device they’re browsing from—desktop or mobile. This is a problem for brands who have stripped valuable content from their mobile sites and it may lead to lower search rankings on mobile devices.

According to Search Engine Land, the move will eventually see the newly introduced search index become the primary one. The standard desktop index will remain active, but it won’t be updated as frequently.

This is going to have the largest impact on rankings once this new index is fully implemented. You can check if your website is mobile friendly by using Google’s Mobile Friendly Testing Tool.

There are many ways that you can make your website mobile friendly, so i recommend reaching out to your web designer in regards to this. If you are the one that makes the edits to your website, here are three simple steps that you can take to ensure you’re providing a good mobile experience that keeps both your visitors and Google happy:

Google Accelerated Mobile Pages

Consider Adding AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages): AMP Pages are designed to make your website’s pages load a lot quicker on mobile phones. This project was actually designed by both Google and Twitter to help optimize mobile searches. Essentially, it is a stripped down form of HTML that still provides necessary design/information, but has less information to load.

AMP Facts:

  • AMP is Open-source that aims to improve the performance of the mobile web.
  • AMP HTML can load anywhere from 15% to 85% faster than then non-AMP versions of those pages.
  • Pages that run on the AMP HTML will mean much faster mobile web for users, and for publishers using AMP a potential boost in google organic search rankings.
  • The little ‘lightning bolt’ symbol next to the result is meant to convey a faster loading time to users.
  • AMP is getting deployed across more web content, even ads.
  • AMP has more sharing Options.
  • AMP Pages can be shown in a carousel that lets you easily switch articles.
  • AMP is Under Constant Development.

You can read more about AMP Pages Here and how to implement them into your website.

Create A Mobile-Optimized Website: Website Any concession to mobile users is better than nothing. There are a few ways that you can optimize your existing website for mobile devices.

For Instance, you can create a completely separate version of your website for mobile devices. Many times, these are hosted on a sub-domain such as While this option will require additional web development, it can be done without impacting the desktop version of your website. This is the most common route for getting a mobile site up quickly.

Another method is to use responsive design. This will allow your website to match the dimensions of the browser, rearranging the content on a page to fit the available space. This approach provides a good user experience on any device size, but it does require a fair amount of work to implement.

Whatever solution you choose will signal to Google that your website is “mobile-friendly” and deserves a place in the index. From there, it’s just a matter of optimization.

Read More: Fundamentals of Responsive Web Design

Optimize Your Visitor’s Mobile Experience: Now that Google will be viewing your mobile website as a completely self-standing entity, you’ll need to optimize the mobile version of your site in the same manner that you optimize your desktop site. That means you’ll have to work at improving both the user experience and Google search rankings through a mobile-first lens.

From a technical perspective, Google offers a tool that will test your website for mobile-friendliness and offer suggestions for fixing the issues. This is a quick way to identify issues with your mobile website.

In addition, Google’s Search Console provides a good resource for both desktop and mobile issues. Formerly called Google Webmaster Tools, Search Console will show you if Google has detected any errors on your website, alerts you about malware complaints, and gives you insights into how your site appears in Google’s index.

Next, it’s just a matter of optimizing your content. Google doesn't provide any guidelines on that front, but I can infer that they want more than just a light version of the corresponding desktop page.

Don’t Skimp on Content: One of the objectives behind Google’s decision to split their index is to discourage website owners from stripping out valuable information from their websites in order to provide a faster loading site. While both site owners and Google are pursuing the same objective—to provide a good user experience— Google doesn't think that sacrificing depth of content is the way to achieve it, and neither should you. And now that the mobile version of your website won’t benefit from the content on your desktop version, Google is forcing website owners to make sure that content is available to be crawled by their mobile ranking algorithm.

Keep An Eye On Your Rankings: AMP Pages are designed to make your website’s pages load a lot quicker on mobile phones. This project was actually designed by both Google and Twitter to help optimize mobile searches. Essentially, it is a stripped down form of HTML that still provides necessary design/information, but has less information to load.

Keep a lookout for your rankings over the next few months to see if your website is affected.

This Announcement was only made two months ago, so as more updates come out in the SEO community I will make sure to update this Post for you.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask on the comment section.

Vine Shut Down: 9 Lessons We Learn

Twitter is shutting down video-sharing service Vine, at October 27, 2016 the company announced. Vine, which lets you share short video clips, debuted in 2013. Twitter acquired Vine in 2012 before the service had even launched.

The news comes the same day Twitter announced it would lay off more than 300 workers, or 9% of the company's global workforce, within the company's sales, partnerships, and marketing teams.

"Nothing is happening to the apps, website or your Vines today," Twitter said in a release, adding that users will be given a heads-up and be able to download their Vines before the app shutters for good.

"Don’t sell your company!" Vine co-founder RusYusupov, who was laid off from Twitter in October 2015, wrote in a tweet.

Acquired by Twitter in 2012, Vine started off strong, becoming the No. 1 app on the iTunes App Store only six months after joining the company. At one point, Vine had more than 200 million active users, yet it struggled to maintain traction and saw a decline in popularity in recent months.

Competition from Instagram, Snapchat and YouTube made it difficult to stand out from the pack. According to data from App Annie, Vine has since dropped to No. 284 in the top charts for free applications on iOS, down from the low 100s at the beginning of the year. It’s still fairly well-ranked (No. 24) in the Photo & Video category, but hasn’t placed on the Entertainment apps top charts since 2015.

So what lessons we can learn from Vine’s short lifespan?

1. Don’t Invested Too In One Medium

How many times have you heard that Facebook is essential to your business success? Or a blog? Instagram? Did you hear the latest advice that you should must be on Snapchat?

There are as many opinions as people; and everyone thinks that their way is the only right way, especially if they’re successful. However, at the end of the day, you have to remember that a web platform or app is just that: a channel for deliver your message. Trends will come and go, and so will the apps we love and use.

Yes, some platforms have proven their longevity, yet there is no guarantee that all of them will exist in the form we know them today. To put it in a perspective, just a decade ago, when Myspace was at its prime, people would call you crazy if you suggested that it wouldn’t be around for much longer. So would do the people who have millions of followers on Vine.

So, you have to figure out what is your message and simply find a way to share it in a variety of formats. That way, you’re not putting all of you eggs in one basket.

2. Smaller Communities Can Be Passionate

Vine had brought together a strong community. While it may not have been relatively huge, it was meaningful. Users who stuck around for the whole time feel strongly about Vine.

I am not saying you should be present on every web & social network out there, but smaller communities, or niches, can be very powerful medium for deliver your message. A thousand passionate customers may prove to be much more important, than 10,000 distracted followers who do not have an emotional connection with what you offering.

3. Stay Updated

Don’t jump on every single platform & App out there. However, pay attention to where your real & potential customers are.

Let’s say your product caters to young adults. Well, you have to follow them around where they reside online. Because Facebook was great for reaching millennials five years ago, that doesn’t mean you should cling to it and ignore Google+, Pinterest, Instagram or Snapchat.

Moreover, analyze the appeal of these different web mediums and see if you can uncover bigger trends and needs. For example, Google Allo is Smart. Snapchat offers privacy. Facebook Live offers broadcasting opportunities. However, all of them offer an instantaneous feeling, being there in a moment. This is what people care about these days.

4. Get Artistic

One of the possible reasons for Vine Shut Down is the fact that marketers didn’t find a good way to leverage the platform. Yes, I know bad, bad marketers; they want to leverage everything. However, social networks depend on funding and leveraging.

This fact presented a huge untapped opportunity for business owners. Since most of advertisers had their reasons not to be bothered with Vine, business owners who wanted to be heard could easily monetize Vine to deliver their message in a very artistic way.

Yes, six seconds seems like an extremely short amount of time to “peg” your potential customers, but, hey, look at all those Viners who showed an enormous creativity with the time limitation. Who is to say that a smart marketer could not become an overnight success with a single Vine going viral? Besides, a skillful series of Vines would not go unnoticed.

5. Talk To People In Their Language

Another issue that contributed to Vine’s Shut Down was that the platform had a lot of insider talk going on. “The app generated countless memes, and grew increasingly self-referential over time, so that a single six-second clip might reference a dozen previous hit Vines,” The Verge suggests.

While it may be a side effect of creating a strong community, you have to remember to never be self-contained. If you want your message to be effective, you have to make it as easy as possible to understand it.

If your language gets too technical, too pretentious, or too “exclusive,” you are running a risk of not being understood. And that doesn’t serve anyone, starting with you and your business.

6. Offer Something Unique

The problem with Vine is that it lost its appeal too fast. Yes, it was cool app for the first year or so, but then the ballyhoo died down and Vine didn’t offer any new exciting features that would differentiate it in the market. Short videos? Snapchat and Instagram work for those. Looping feature? Boomerang by Instagram has you covered. At the end, there was no real differentiation and no real use for looping six-seconds videos.

7. Promote, Boost, Forward

Twitter’s fault was that it didn’t really promote Vine in any way. After a sense of newness withered down, there were no major attempts in push Forward Vine. Clearly, Twitter has a lot going on right now in their main platform, so they put Vine on the cruise-control mode.

However, to truly see if your product has any potential, you have to Boost it relentlessly. You have to continually Forward it, highlighting benefits. Your product will never reach its fullest potential without your efforts.

8. Change With Your Audience

Learn to monitor your industry and be ready to adapt your strategies to be at the forefront, instead of playing catch-up all the time.

Great marketers are always trying to figure out what the next big thing is, and what will be the be-all-end-all of marketing strategies. The problem is, when we find them, we often think that this is it and become complacent.

We as marketers need to be agile in our approach to marketing trends. We need to realize that what’s effective one day may be completely ineffective the next, and that’s okay.
Don’t get trapped thinking you’ve figured it all out because you’ve had some success, and forget that success comes through a steady stream of testing, learning, and implementing.

9. You Have To Fail Faster And Better Than Others

When you’re an developer, entrepreneur, startup, or do anything that has to do with the every evolving nature of social media, you have to try new ideas out often. Sometimes they work and you roll with it and sometimes they don’t. When they don’t is when you have the greatest opportunity to learn: see what didn’t work, make note of what did, piece this together quickly and keep moving.

Vine failed to do this when other social media outlets started offering similar services as them. Don’t let this be you. Remember that the more you “fail”, the more you learn thus becoming better.

While it’s always sad to see a business fall, the fall always offers great lessons that can help us to learn.